Patient Advocate Service

“I always reverse roles. I consider how I would feel if I were on the opposite end of things. I do what I would want done for me.” Anonymous

Who Is A Cancer Patient Advocate?

The mission of a cancer patient advocate is to empower the one affected by cancer – be they the patient themselves, their loved ones, or their caregiver. The advocate strives to blend their expertise with empathy to help you navigate the complex healthcare system, offer guidance & resources, and a comforting presence during times of uncertainty.

  • Advocate for your rights and care
  • Navigate treatment options and resources with ease and peace of mind
  • Receive emotional support and connection throughout your cancer journey
cancer patient advocate service by helping with hand
patient advocate motivation

Navigate Your Path With I-SPIE Health’s Patient Advocate Service

Do you want to be a passive patient always, or maybe just an architect of one’s own recovery, healing? Our Patient Advocate service renders professional Healthcare Navigation to make this journey as seamless as possible. Compassionate care aligned with deep clinical experience combines with our medical billing assistance, insurance liaison services, and comprehensive care coordination to facilitate access to the tools you need. Drawing on fields like integrative oncology, contemplative medicine, nutrition, and breathwork, we’ll help you reconnect to your sense of purpose.

Importance Of Advocacy In Cancer Care

A cancer diagnosis does not have to put the brakes on your dreams, aspirations, and life! However, navigating this complex terrain can be challenging. While medical intervention focuses on disease management, our Patient Advocate service bridges the gap by addressing the emotional, mental, and lifestyle factors that are crucial to your well-being. Cancer coaching through our patient-centric and evidence-supported approach ensures that every aspect of your care is aligned with your personal goals. At its core lies the belief that you, as the patient, know what’s best for yourself, and our Health Advocate team is here to support your journey every step of the way. 

Why Everyone With Cancer Deserves A Patient Advocate

Emotional And Psychological Benefits

Revitalize your hope. Strengthen your resiliency. Regain your sense of purpose.

Improved Healthcare Navigation And Outcomes

Receive practical guidance and coping strategies to enhance your healthcare experiences and outcomes..

Empowerment Of Making Informed Decisions

Make your voice heard and feelings acknowledged in decisions related to your care.


My Services As A Cancer Patient Advocate

Personalized Support

Customized strategies are designed for your particular needs and preferences,
and an evidence-based approach is used to ensure optimum care.

Navigation Assistance

Better communication with your medical team and expert guidance on how to navigate the healthcare system,
With clear answers to your questions and concerns.

Clinical Liaison

Preoccupation with access to valuable resources seamlessly integrates conventional and complementary/alternative medicine.
Empowering patients to make informed decisions about their treatment.

Integrative & Holistic Care 

We emphasize the mind-body connection in healing for a holistic recovery and tailor plans to your values and goals, integrating medical and holistic therapies.

Advocacy and Empowerment

Better health literacy for making informed decisions. 
Advocate for your rights and access to quality health care.

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A Personal Message

Management of cancer requires seeing the entire body as a whole – one that incorporates all aspects of one’s being – mind, body, spirit, family, community, environment. It requires the provider to know the person as a whole and work as a team with all who will support the patient as they traverse the cancer journey. By the same token, it requires the individual to accept their diagnosis as a wake-up call, a chance to see that a disease is more than a physical-chemical reaction. And that with the integration of the heart and mind, healing is possible. 

This is what the I-SPIE Health model is about. With empathetic support and attentive nurturing that is rooted in clinical and integrative oncology, rediscover your sense of purpose and what matters most to you right now, and pave the way for a new beginning.

  • Combines oncology, nutrition, and contemplative medicine.
  • Focuses on compassionate, personalized care.
  • Encourages collaboration on patient-centered goals.

Madhavi Parikh



What Others Have Said…



Madhavi was wonderful! I wish I had used this service a year ago. I learned more from her in a one-hour Zoom call than I have learned from my oncologist in the past 3 years. She is very caring and to the point. I have hope now.



I am still processing all that we shared yesterday and am so grateful to have had the time to talk with you and even more grateful to have found you! Thank you for listening without judgement and so compassionately voicing your thoughts and extensive knowledge – allopathic/holistic/spiritual. You have given me so much to consider.


Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Discovery Call Now.

Become an architect of your own recovery and healing by creating a model that evolves as you evolve. Make a shift in your mindset, heart set, health set, and soul set; and set yourself up for health independence and health success for the rest of your life.

To learn more about the I-SPIE Health model and approach to care, schedule your free 15-minute Discovery Call, wherein we will explore how best I can support you or your loved one through your cancer journey.

To serve as a dedicated partner, ensuring that you receive the best possible care and support throughout your medical journey

A Patient Advocate is referred to and recognized by many names based on their specific roles and the services they provide. They may be referred to as Wellness Advocate, Patient Champion, Care Partner, or Medical Liaison.

Your health advocate will be a collaborator and mentor with you on your health journey, empowering you to make informed decisions, ensuring continuity of care and effectiveness of treatment.